An excellent course tutor, very knowledgeable and approachable. The right level was used throughout and will be extremely useful. I have learnt a lot today and thought this method of learning was ideal for retention of knowledge and skills, thank you
Thank you for dealing with some difficult subjects professionally and sensitively. It was a very well presented course.
First Aid At Work. Very friendly and approachable, made it comfortable to learn. Felt at ease to ask questions.
Sports First Aid. Excellent course. I appreciated the ‘what to do’ in each scenario – as opposed to just teaching 1st Aid. The decision making part is always the hard bit!
Pet First Aid. Excellent mix of subject with ‘real’ examples. Other courses I have attended have focussed on more bandaging techniques which were not necessarily ‘first aid’. I found this course just right, thank you.
First Aid At Work. Found course informative and interesting. The things I have learnt will help me in the future, will be able to help and not panic!!
Thanks for the recent FA event held locally at our cricket club. I just wanted to email you with some very positive feedback from those that attended. One coach emailed me saying: “The presenter was very engaging and used lots of real life scenarios which was great.”
Andy was excellent and early feedback from the coaches was extremely positive, it’s obvious he’s an expert and knows his stuff and his delivery of the subject/training was spot on.